Observing Log

Observing Logs - 990624

Observer: Randy Fear
Bill Marquette
Owen Phairis
Weather: Clear,clam, warm
Seeing: 2 (chromospheric network, limb base visible)

Optical Setup for the Telescopes

Singer 26-inch Reflector 10-inch Refractor
West Center East West Center East
Filter Hacl Ha/Ball Bros Ha/Zeiss Scanning CaK/Halle 6103/Zeiss Ha/Halle
Camera Kodak 4.2 None None OSL None VMG Kodak 1.6
FOV Full Disk 200x200 300x208
Feature Fulldisc Active Region NOAA 8597/98 Active Region NOAA 8597/98
Position Fulldisc 395E 366N 408E 361N

Singer Telescope

14:24:00  Singer   Fulldisk   Hacl?Ha;;e   Kodak 4.2   Full Disk
14:24:00  Start 30 sec rate / 30ms exposure / P-angle = -5.8
14:47:57  Full disk daily synoptic taken
18:45:25  small flare
20:09:23  Recenter image a bit...   
00:20:28  Stop observations.

26-inch Reflector

14:26:01  26-inch   W-E    N-S    Active Region
          West-Bench     5308	 Kodak 1.4	 
          Center-Bench   Ha/Ball Bros	 Kodak 1.6	 
          East-Bench     Ha/Zeiss Scanning	 OSL	 200x200
14:52:49  Dark frames 26E osl ccd camera 2x2 size tec temp=10.0
15:48:05  26-inch   395E    366N    Active Region
          West-Bench     	 None	 
          Center-Bench   Ha/Ball Bros	 None	 
          East-Bench     Ha/Zeiss Scanning	 OSL	 200x200
15:48:05  Start 26E with osl ccd camera 2x2 size 58 msec exp
          2 selection frames
16:54:49  changed to ha-.50A 58 msec exp 15 sec rate for rocket
18:45:07  reposition small flare
19:10:47  26E scan scan from -1 to +1 by 0.25A
19:37:24  Scale calib moved 100 arcsec west
21:09:05  26E scan scan from -1 to +1 by 0.25A  
22:57:20  26E scan scan from -1 to +1 by 0.25A 
00:07:02  Stop for flat field images.
00:20:17  Flat field frames complete.

10-inch Refractor

14:26:02  10-inch   W-E    N-S    Active Region
          West-Bench     CaK/Halle	 Kodak 1.4	 
          Center-Bench   6103/Zeiss	 VMG	 300x208
          East-Bench     HeD3	 None	 
15:04:39  Start Disk Survey
15:05:19  NOAA 8597/8598 432E 367N 
15:06:54  BB 4313 519E 297N
15:08:15  NOAA 8594 430E 227N
15:10:16  NOAA 8596 270E 325N
15:11:40  NOAA 8592 127E 334N
15:12:59  BB4315 757E 355N
15:14:57  BB4319 757E 247N
15:16:39  BB4322 628E 303N
15:17:56  NOAA 8599 628E 232S
15:19:13  BB4316 848E 189S
15:20:26  BB4321 728W 105N
15:21:50  BB4320 670W 209N
15:23:40  NOAA 8585 733W 490N
15:25:19  BB4323 652W 326S
15:28:38  BB4317 398W 456S
15:48:45  10-inch   408E    361N   Active Region
          West-Bench     CaK/Halle	 None	 
          Center-Bench   6103/Zeiss	 VMG	 300x208
          East-Bench     Ha/Halle	 Kodak 1.6	 
15:48:46  Start vmg's using datacube and zeiss tuned to 6103A in sbp
          mode gain at 0 bias at 19 and div by j on seq is
          int  type  len  part  sav  disp
          1     v    256   256   16   13
          1     i
16:55:09  changed to 4096 averages by 256 
16:55:23  start 10E with 50 msec exp 15 sec rate for rocket fits format
17:02:03  changed to 512 averages
17:46:34  installed second jazz drive
18:45:32  small flare
18:48:27  installed third jazz drive turn off fits saving
19:09:53  Dark frame 10E 50 averages 50 msec exp
19:18:01  flat frame 10E 50 averages 50 msec exp
19:19:15  flat frames for vmg 9 boxes  1024 averages
19:32:45  scale calib moved 100 arcsec east moved 100 arcsec south
00:07:23  Stop observations.

Concluding Remarks

Daily full disk synoptic taken. Disk survey taken. Lots of regions on disk. Rocket flight today. Observed NE group of active regions.

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