Oscillations in active sun


The oscillatory behavior of sunspots was first detected by Beckers & Tallant (1969).  Since then, it has been the subject of both detailed observations and theoretical modeling (see the review by Lites 1992).

Umbral oscillations in the photosphere show peak power around 200 s (Lites 1992). The umbra does not oscillate as a whole, but instead comprises of many small-scale oscillating locations. Lites (1986) claims that these locations lie in the photosphere, are nearly monochromatic, and that their power spectra are variable with time. Lopez Ariste et al. (2001) find that oscillations propagate along magnetic field lines situated at the origin of the umbral flash (UF). The authors also conclude that the mechanism, which induces upward propagating waves is also capable of exciting other nearby fluxtubes without perturbing the whole atmosphere.

Running penumbral (RP) waves commence as an arc surrounding the umbra. Their main periods are around 180 s, and they propagate outwards, becoming gradually invisible at the outer boundary of the penumbra. Tziotziou et al. (2002, 2007) and Tziropoula et al. (2000) have concluded that the source of RP waves is the same as that of the UF. Low period oscillations in the penumbra have also been found to be connected with the Evershed flow (Jess et al.  2007a).

 The oscillatory behavior is typical for the bright points (BP), as well. The peak power of the oscillations observed in network BP are around 200 s  (Bloomfield et al. 2004), while in plage regions periods of 300 s are observed. Kariyappa et al. (2005) found that both types of BP also have oscillations around a period of 600 s, and that the period of BP oscillations does not depend on their intensity enhancement (Kariyappa et al. 2005). The tendency of oscillations to appear above certain spatial locations for the duration of the data sequence is observed by McAteer et al. (2004). As to the nature of the BP oscillations, it has been proposed that they are transverse and longitudinal waves that propagate in flux tubes (Kalkofen 1999).

Image was taken at the  DUNN telescope located at NSO  Sacramento peak observatory using QUB instrument.