Address: | Big Bear Solar Observatory 40386 North Shore Lane Big Bear City, CA 92314-9672 USA |
Phone: | ++ 909 866-5791 |
Fax: | ++ 909 866-5791 ext 24 (Office) ++ 909 866-4240 (Dome) |
URL: | |
Location: | 116° 54.9' W 34° 15.2' N 2067 m |
Big Bear Solar Observatory exploits the excellent climatic conditions of Big Bear Lake to study the Sun. It is located in the middle of Big Bear Lake to reduce the image distortion which usually occurs when the Sun heats the ground. Turbulent motions in the air near the observatory are also reduced by the smooth flow of the wind across the lake. These conditions, combined with the usually cloudless skies and the clarity of the air at 2000 meters elevation, make the observatory a premier site for solar observations. The observatory was built by the Californian Institute of Technology in 1969 and was transferred to the New Jersey Institute of Technology on 1 July 1997. |
Address: | Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory A-9521 Treffen Austria |
Phone: | ++43 4248 2717 |
Fax: | ++43 4248 2717 ext 15 |
URL: | |
Location: | 13° 54.4' E 46° 40.7' N 1526 m |
Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory is the only solar observatory in Austria and is operated by the Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics and Meteorology of Graz University. Because of the favorable climate and the convenience of year-around access via a cable railway, the observatory was built near Villach (Carinthia) in 1943. Another advantage of KSO is the permanent presence of staff and consequently a continuous operation throughout the year. |
Address: | Catania
Astrophysical Observatory Via S. Sofia, 78 - Città Universitaria 95123 Catania, Italy |
Phone: | +39 095
9332-111 |
Fax: | +39 095
330592 |
URL: | |
Location: | 1h00m17.4s
E 37° 31' N 193 m |
The Catania Astrophysical Observatory (OACt) is a research institute and is part of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). OACt has two different sites, where also researches of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DPA) of the Catania University work. The main site is in the Catania University Campus ( Città Universitaria), where solar observations are peformed. The second site is mountain station M.G. Fracastoro , which is used for night observations. The station is located on the southern slope of Mt. Etna (3340 m) - the largest active volcano in Europe. The geographical location of Catania - a sunny town in Southern Italy (Sicily) - has made possible an almost 100-year long uninterrupted patrol of solar activity. |
Address: | Observatoire de Paris Section de Meudon Place Jules Janssen 92195 MEUDON FRANCE |
Phone: | +33 - 145077530 |
Fax: | +33 - 145077959 |
URL: | |
Location: | South-West of Paris, +48°48' (North) -02°14' (East) 165 meters |
Meudon Observatory was
funded in 1876 by famous astronomer Jules Janssen. It merged with Paris
Observatory (previously funded in 1667 by King Louis XIV) in 1926.
Meudon was initially a solar observatory nut nowadays it is a large
observatory (200 researchers), which researches in almost all topics of
astronomy and astrophysics. Regular observations of the sun began
around 1910 with the spectroheliograph of Deslandres, a new technique
which was tested by Hale in the US at the same time. Our observations
are made with a modern version of the spectroheliograph. Despite the
oceanic climate of Meudon, we succeed to get images of the sun almost
300 days per year, very often between two clouds! The seeing is in
average around 2 arc sec. |
Address: | Observatoire du Pic du Midi Observatoire Midi Pyrénées 57 avenue d'Azereix 65000 Tarbes FRANCE |
Office Phone: | +33 5 62 56 60 29 | |
Dome Phone: | +33 5 62 53 31 11 | |
Fax: | +33 5 62 34 67 33 |
URL: | |
Location: | South-West of Paris, 42°56'11'' (North) 0°08'34'' (East) 2877 meters |
Pic du Midi Observatory is a
part of Observatoire Midi Pyrénées which is a research and
educational institute of Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France). Pic du
Midi is a mountain station (2877m) which is well placed for clear sky and good
seeing atmospheric conditions. Solar observations are performed with a 50 cm
refractor, "Lunette Jean Rösch", and several coronagraphs. A daily survey
of the dynamical phenomena appeared in the inner part of the solar corona and in
the chromospheric layers is made with the new solar instrument CLIMSO. |
Address: | Yunnan Astronomical Observatory P.O. Box 110 Kunming 650011 P.R. China |
Phone: | ++ 871 3347085 |
Fax: | ++ 871 3358437 |
URL: | |
Location: | 102° 47.3' E 25° 1.5' N 1940 m |
Yunnan Astronomical Observatory is one of the five astronomical observatories in China, all operated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is located in the suburban of Kunming City in the southern part of China. It has the best weather conditions of all Chinese observatted in the suburban of Kunming City in the southern part of China. It has the best weather conditions of all Chinese observatories, with about 300 clear days a year and excellent sky transparency. |
Address: | Huairou Solar Observing Station National Astronomical Observatories 20A, Datun Rd., Chaoyang Dist. Beijing 100012 P.R. China |
Phone: | +86-10-64888769; +86-10-69644338 |
Fax: | +86-10-64888716; +86-10-69648246 |
URL: | |
Location: | 116.6° E 40.4° N 62 m (altitude) |
Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS) is located on a small island near the north bank of Huairou Reservoir, 60 km north of Beijing. The water, which surrounds the station extends about 2 km to the east, south and west of the observatory. The observing dome is on the top of a 31-meter tower. The HSOS's telescope is characterized by removable dome, which can be moved away from the telescope when the seeing is favorable. There are a total of approximately 300 days favorable for observations per year. HSOS is one of five observing stations of the newly established National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC). |